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Cornell University

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Enhancing and Diversifying Faculty in the Biomedical Sciences

Yael Levitte

Yael Levitte

Yael Levitte, Faculty Core Co-Director – Dr. Yael Levitte is the Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity. Levitte runs the OFDD and has over 12 years of experience working on issues related to faculty development and diversity across the university. Levitte was the Executive Director of the CU-ADVANCE Center (2009-2012), an NSF-funded Center that led to the 46.3% increase in the percent of women faculty in STEM and Social and Behavioral Sciences at Cornell. Levitte works closely with Co-PI August, the Deputy Provost, on accountability in the hiring process while ensuring the excellence and diversity
of the faculty, a key goal of the NIH FIRST program. Levitte’s research focuses on the entry and retention of women and individuals with underrepresented or marginalized identities into the STEM labor force. Levitte will lead the FIRST FDP as a co-Director with Dr. Leifer, and serve as a member of the FIRST Institutional Steering Committee.

Title: Faculty Core Co-Director, Associate Vice Provost
Department: Faculty Development and Diversity